MEPs call for an end to advertising for online gambling sites


MPs are calling for an end to online gambling advertising, arguing that the surge in TV, radio and online advertising since its legalization is increasing addiction and causing financial problems.

The Netherlands legalized online gambling on October 1, licensing 10 companies, including two state-owned.

Since then, nightly TV and online advertising slots have been filled with ads touting the potential to win and featuring such celebrities as footballer Wesley Sneijder and a policewoman turned TV presenter. Ellie Lust.

A motion drafted by the Socialists called for a ban on “untargeted advertising for high-risk gambling”, and was supported by the two Christian coalition parties as well as much of the opposition.

Justice Minister Sander Dekker had called on MPs not to support the motion, saying it was too early to judge, but also called on gaming companies to moderate their advertising.

It is not yet clear what Dekker will do with the motion or what line the next administration will take.

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