Ambedkar University launches online applications for admission to College of Arts amid controversy

Amid the uncertainty and controversy, Ambedkar University has started online registrations for admission to the College of Art under its umbrella. The university has made available on its website the online application form for admission to the college for the year 2022-2023 and announced that these registrations will be open until June 30.

Previously, Ambedkar University appointed a Dean for the College of Art and formed an Admissions Committee to work out the college admissions process. These developments come even as the University of Delhi says it has not approved the disaffiliation from the college. The DU Executive Council had rejected the disaffiliation proposal.

Amid controversies over his disaffiliation, admissions for the 2021-2022 academic session were not made to the College of Art. The case is currently pending in the Delhi High Court after a college student approached the court in the matter and the next court date is July 13.

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Ambedkar University has started admissions into six Bachelor of Fine Arts programs and five Master of Fine Arts programs in the college.